Stopping IIS for Remote Desktop Web Connection

Whenever you don’t need the Remote Desktop web connection, you should stop the IIS (Internet Information Service, this is a web server) to stop providing this web service. As a good security measure, you should always stop the service that you don’t need.

Here is the simple way on how to do it:

1) Go to Start and click Control Panel. Control Panel Window will appear, and then double click Administrative Tools.

2) Administrative Tools window will appear, double click on Services.

Administrative Tools

3) Services window will appear, then right click on IIS Admin, select and click Properties.

IIS Admin

4) When the Admin Properties window appears, click on General tab. You can then click Stop button to stop this web service instantly. After that you can change the Startup type as Disabled if you plan to stop it permanently. Finally click Apply button and close the window.

Note: When you stop the service instantly, a new window will pop up and ask you to stop World Wide Web Publishing as well. Click Yes, so that this web service will stop successfully.

Note: The other Startup type are Automatic and Manual. Automatic will start the service whenever you boot up the Window, whereas Manual means you need to start the service manually here.

IIS Admin Properties

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Remote Desktop Connection from Internet

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