There are lots of different wireless products available in the market. If you plan to buy some wireless products and not too sure which one is good, don't worry about it, here I would like to recommend to you some good wireless products and value for money as per below. Just continue to take a look!
Note: Please note the latest version of following wireless products support WPA2 encryption, but some old version products might only support WEP or WPA encryption.
Note: If you are looking for wireless products that supports latest 802.11n standard, check out this wireless N product page.
Wireless Router (802.11b/g) - Wireless routers that can support 802.11b and 802.11g wireless standard only. The price is cheaper than those 802.11n wireless routers.
Wireless Access Point - You can create a wireless network by connecting this wireless device to wired network.
USB Wireless Adapter - Flexible USB wireless adapter for you to use it on desktop or notebook for having wireless network access.
Wireless PCI Adapter - You can plug in this type of wireless PCI card on desktop computer, and then you can connect it to wireless network.
Wireless PCMCIA Card - This card is usually used by notebook in order to join wireless network. If there is built-in wireless card on your notebook, then forget about this device.
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