Configuring PPPoE Dialer in Windows XP

Windows XP has built in PPPoE dialer, so you can utilize this dialer in order to connect to Internet via DSL/Cable modem with bridge mode configured.

Before you start to configure this dialer, please configure network card to obtain IP address and DNS server automatically.

obtain an IP address automatically in Windows XP

Let's start now! Here is the way to configure this dialer in Windows XP:

1) Go to Start, right click My Network Places and click on Properties.

my network places in Windows XP

2) Network Connections window will appear, click Create a new connection.

create a new PPPoE connection

3) New Connection Wizard window will appear, click Next.

welcome to the new connection wizard in Windows XP

4) Click Connect to the Internet, and click Next.

PPPoE - connect to the internet

5) After that select Set up my connection manually and click Next.

PPPoE - set up my connection manually

6) Here you need to select Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password, and click Next.

DSL or Cable PPPoE broadband connection with username password

7) Name you connection, so that you can identify this dialer easily later. Click Next.

name DSL or Cable connection

8) Type in username and password of your DSL/Cable Internet connection, this info is given by ISP when you subscribe Internet service. You can also tick other two options to allow anyone connects to the Internet from this computer and make this the default Internet connection. Click Next.

username password for DSL or Cable connection

9) Finally click Finish to complete this dialer configuration.

complete PPPoE configuration in Windows XP

10) Once you have this dialer configured, you will notice the new dialer icon appears under Broadband section in Network Connections window.

PPPoE dialer icon in Windows XP

11) How to connect? It's easy! Just click the dialer icon and then dialer window will appear, after that click Connect. :)

PPPoE dialer in Windows XP

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