Changing Windows 8 Computer Name and Workgroup

Changing Windows 8 computer name and workgroup is quite easy! Usually you will be prompted to provide computer name during Windows 8 installation, but you might not like the computer name and would like to change it later, and so this article could help you.

Please note you need to assign unique computer name to each computer on the same network, but can group all home computers under same workgroup for easy access. By default your computer will be assigned WORKGROUP as workgroup name, same as default workgroup in other windows operating systems.
Let me show you how to do it here:

1) As a start, click Desktop tile on Start screen in order to go to Windows desktop environment that you are familiar with.
Windows 8 desktop
2) Once you have gone into that typical Desktop environment, move your finger or cursor to the upper or lower right in order to open the Charms bar, after that click on Search charm. Too bad to find out that the typical Start button is no longer there.
search charm in Windows 8
3) Search charm will appear, select Settings and type system and proceed with searching, after that click on System from search result.
Seach system settings in Windows 8
Note: The other way to access this System window is by going to Control Panel->System and Security->System.

4) Once the System window appears, scroll down the window and you will be able to locate existing computer name and also workgroup. If you want to change computer name and/or workgroup, go ahead to click Change settings.
computer name, domain and workgroup
5) System properties window will appear, and you can type a few words to describe your computer in computer description field if you want. If not, just click on Change…
computer name and workgroup change
6) Proceed to key in new computer name and workgroup name in Computer Name/Domain Changes window. Finally click OK button to close all windows and restart your computer. That’s it! You’ve done it!

Note: Make sure computer name is unique in your network, not more than 15 characters and avoid from using this characters for naming your computer: ` ~ @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + [ ] { } | ; : , ‘ “ . < > / ?
set Windows 8 computer name and workgroup
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