Useful Internet Safety Tips

Here I list down some useful Internet safety tips, so that you can use Internet with safety in mind. You can also check out this dangers on Internet article to know why Internet is dangerous if don't use it properly.

Using Better and Secure Web Browser

You should use better and secure web browser that is built-in with effective phishing filter, fraud protection, content blocking and other security features to protect your online activity.

Personally I would recommend you to use Google Chrome, Mozila Firefox or Opera web browsers.

Computer OS and Software Updating

Don’t forget to update computer OS system and other softwares frequently, because the updates will patch security holes and fix software bugs. For Windows OS users, you can use Windows Automatic Updates to update the system.

Also it’s advisable to uninstall those old softwares that you are no longer needed, this can minimize computer security risk and also save precious computer resources.

Firewall Protection

If you are Microsoft Windows user, activate and use Windows Firewall to protect your computer. If not, you can also test to use ZoneAlarm firewall, PC Tools firewall or other personal firewalls to improve your Internet safety.

Antivirus and Anti-Adware Programs

As you know about the dangers of computer worm, virus and spyware, so you must install antivirus and anti-spyware softwares on your computer, after that update the signature and scan the computer frequently. Please note some of the antivirus programs are equipped with anti-spyware feature as well.

Here are examples of antivirus softwares: Norton Antivirus, McAfee Antivirus, Avira Antivirus, AVG Antivirus, Lavasoft Ad-Aware


Here are some techniques that can help you not to fall pray in phishing scam:

- Never follow the website link in email or instant message that looks official and supply login information or private details.
- Always use the company's genuine and official website (save the website link as your favorite) to do online banking, online purchase, email checking, etc.
- Always check and confirm with respective bank or financial company when you are required to change any credit card, banking or financial information online.

Online Security for Kids

You can make use of the NetNanny, CyberPatrol or other parental controls programs to filter Internet access, monitor and control your kids’ online activity, so that can reduce the Internet dangers your children are exposed to.

The parents can teach their children to turn off computer monitor and get help from adult when they accidentally access to those inappropriate websites. Having scheduled Internet access times and specific internet access guidelines for children to follow are advisable as well.

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